mms stories and case studies
At this point in time there are thousands of success stories. I will only have room for a few here, but I wanted you to hear about some of the miracles that I have witnessed personally. Another web site displays testimonials that came in more recently - all unsolicited from MMS users [ Here ] ;
These particular stories below happened in Mexico in my presence. The people involved can still be contacted. Evidence such as x-rays and blood test reports still exist.
1. The case of the lady that lay in bed unable to move for 8 years.This is May 1, 2008. About one month ago there was a knock at the door here at my friends place in Mexico and in walked a very pretty Mexican lady. She was carrying a large envelop which I recognized as such an envelop that would have x-rays and other records. And that was exactly what was in the envelop. She said that she wanted us to see that she had evidence to back up the story that she was about to tell us.
There were quite a few x-rays of her back and legs and other bones. These x-ray showed the evidence why she was unable to walk and move to any extent for 8 years. In the year 2000 she had been 47 years old, now she was 55 and very happy.
She said that in the year 2000 she began to get back pains and leg pains. The doctor said it was rheumatoid arthritis. Her pains continued to get worse and finally she had to take to her bed during the year 2000. It continued to get more painful to move and the muscles drew up so that she couldn't move much anyway.
Her hands started to resemble birds claws and she could not use them. Her eyes dried up requiring someone to drop tears into her eyes on a continuing basis, and her mouth went dry so that she also need continuous water for her mouth. She told us that she no longer wanted to live. The pain and constant need for help was more than she could stand. She wished for death.
Then only one month before she came to see us, someone took a bottle of MMS to her and suggested that she take some according to the instructions on the label which was to start at one drop and increase one drop each dose if possible. Well, she worked up to 7 drops only, but in one month she was back on her feet, walking normally, and when she walked into our house here no one would have imagined that she had been in bed for 8 years.
She looked very good. She was taking 7 drop doses twice a day, and she told me she intended to continue right on up to 15 drops twice a day. She shook my hand and gave me a big hug. She said that we could have her records but we didn't have a place for them. She said that she would keep them and that if anyone ever wanted to ask her about her experience she would be happy to show them.
She left walking normally without even a limp. The only thing left was that she still needed to put artificial tears in her eyes from time to time. She had been a law student in 2000 and she wanted to return to her studies.
So do you see why I called the MMS a Miracle Mineral?
2. The cases of the lady with the paralyzed hand and foot.This was a Mexican lady about 60 years old. One evening about 6 PM we got a call from a Mexican gentle man who said that he would like to bring his wife over right away. We always try to accommodate any one that we can and so he was invited over. When he arrived he helped his wife through our door. She could not hold onto the walker that she was using, so her husband was holding her to it from behind. It was a chore to see them squeeze through the door together.
They inched over to a living room couch and sat down. She explained that her right hand was totally paralyzed and numb from the wrist down for over two years, her foot was paralyzed in the same way. The paralyzed hand kept her from holding onto the walker, and the paralyzed foot made it extremely hard to walk even with the walker. In addition she had terrible back pains and leg pains that also limited her walking. She could barely get around the house.
Well, Clara always trains anyone who comes here by first giving them a six drop dose of MMS explaining exactly what she is doing, and then has them wait for an hour. The second dose she has them mix, wait the three minute wait, and pour their own drink. That is, of course, so they will be able to make their own doses at home. In this case the lady said, about 1/2 hour after taking the first dose, "I think some feeling is coming back to my hand." She also mentioned that the back pain seem to be less. Clara had the lady mix and take the second dose after an hour.
In just about another hour (it was two hours total) Clara called me. She said, "Jim, come here. You will want to see this. I quickly walked into the room. The lady was exercising her paralyzed hand. All of the muscles were moving correctly, and she had her shoe and sock off and was also exercising all of the muscles in her food. In fact the muscles in my foot don't move that well. When this lady left our house she was still using the walker, but her husband was not holding her onto it, and one could see that she would not be using that walker for more than a day to two. Another reason to call MMS the Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century.
Let me say here that so far as I have been able to determine once these things go away, they seldom return. I believe that it is important to continue taking the MMS until one is sure the microorganisms are dead. Then maintenance doses are important to keep the immune system tuned up.
3. Throwing the walking cane away.This year the University of Sonora of Mexico invited us over when a state wide exposition of scientific things were to be shown by college students. One of the college chemistry teachers was especially helpful in getting us noticed. He used MMS to cure a case of very bad TB at the local prison. We setup a booth like most of the other students, and in addition to the booth we were on the curriculum to do several lectures as well. The President of the University showed up to listen to the MMS lectures and it was a successful couple of days.
However, something that the rest of the University didn't get to see was the most interesting part of the show. The lady of the house where I was renting several rooms had become pretty well versed on how MMS works so she was running the booth most of the time. On the second day in the morning an older Mexican gentleman drop by the booth asking what it was all about. He was walking with a cane and he was leaning pretty heavily on the cane. Being both older people they struck up a good conversation which resulted in the old guy being invited over to the house for a dose of MMS at lunch time.
He was given the address and he did show up at lunch time. He was given the standard Clara's protocol that we call 6 and 6. That was 6 drops of MMS with the activator and then one hour wait and a second 6 drops at the end of the hour. Well, he really didn't need the second dose. After about 1/2 hour he stated that the pain was leaving.
By the time the hour was over he was walking around the room without his cane. He stated all the pain was gone and the weakness associated with the pain was gone. He didn't need the cane at all. He wanted to throw it away. He never wanted to see that cane again. Chances are, if he continued to take the MMS he will never need the cane again as those things done seem to return if one is sure to do the protocol.
4. There has been at least 3 other persons who have quit using their canes while taking the MMS here at the house.I won't go over each case. It was about the same. Within two hours their pain left. Older people who use a cane almost always use it because of the pain. Of course, let me say that this doesn't happen in every case. Sometimes it takes a whole week, and sadly a few that require other treatment. However, in my opinion, almost anyone can be fixed as long as the mechanical damage is not beyond repair.
Now as far as proof goes, if you want proof you are welcome to come down here and we will contact them for you. Mostly they are happy to show their evidence. However, I personally am not in the business of furnishing proof. I don't have the time. For every hour I spend proving it, I could have reach a dozen people who are willing to go for it simply by reading the proof I have in my books. It's there if you want to dig it out. I can't spoon feed it to the public.
They have to get the proof for themselves, and that is what 49 people out of 50 do. Only about 2 people out of 100 begin talking without knowing anything wanting me to spend time proving it to them. I try to be nice to everyone, but sometimes I just have to tell them that the proof is in the two books and they will have to dig it out. The two books are now in a single hardback book, available for sale at this independent website [ Here ]
So anyway let me give you a couple more success stories.
5. The case of the restaurant owner overcoming diabetes.During the time I was finishing writing the final chapters of the first edition I lived in my friend's house, Ed Heft, right on the water. It was in a bay just off of the Sea of Cortes. I drove two blocks each day with my 85 year old friend, Albert, to a small Mexican restaurant. We drove because he really didn't feel like the walk.
There we had our lunch and enjoyed the day. A Mexican lady and her husband ran the restaurant and, of course, cooked us Mexican food. One day after several months, I notice the lady sitting down and she did not look good at all. I asked what was wrong. Her husband spoke a little English and they made me understand it was a bad case of the flu. I said wait just a minute and I went out to my car for a bottle of MMS.
I came back and without speaking Spanish I mixed a 6 drop drink, using some lemon juice as the activator, waited three minutes and indicated needing pineapple juice for the drink. I added the pineapple juice and handed it to her and she drank it. It always amazed me as I have never had a single person refuse to drink a dose of MMS.
I must have a good bed side manner as even the government officials in Malawi always drank the dose of MMS that I mixed up for a demonstration. No one ever said not. Well, anyway I indicated through waving my hands and talking and pointing at my watch that she should take another dose that evening in the same way, and then some more the next day.
I didn't get back to the restaurant for about three weeks. The lady and her husband invited me to sit down at their table. She had been taking the MMS in 6 drop doses a couple times a day for three weeks. I didn't tell her to. She just did it. But what had happened was that her need for insulin for her diabetes had reduced to zero. She needed none and she was feeling much better. When her Flu had gone away she had decided the MMS must be really good and just decided to continue taking it. She was absolutely happy and they served me a free lunch that day.
So how often does one see miracles? Well, when you count the emails, and telephone calls, and local people dropping buy I average about one miracle a day. However, I know that hundreds of miracles are happening because thousands of people are taking MMS daily. I have to say that I am no doubt the luckiest man on Earth. Here in the later part of my life I get to do something that is more fun than anything anyone could possibly do. I hate to use the word fun as it is beyond fun. The reward is instantaneous. Each day is rewarding and something new. All I have to do is just keep pushing and that's easy.
6. A case of Muscular Sclerosis.This email was received last year. This same lady, Marline, has reported being much more recovered since this report was sent as she has been on the MMS for over 6 months now. She told me that she considers herself well at this time. She writes the following:
"I have Multiple Sclerosis and believe the cause to be many pathogens. I have been lab tested and found to have Lyme's, Chlamydia Pneumonia, Epstein Barr, Myco plasma, Candida yeast, Blackberry mold plus many others.
I also have been chelated for heavy metals Mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium and etc. I have responded to many treatments and have made progress to health. I have taken the MMS formula for over a month. I started out slowly because of the extent of my illness. I gradually increased my doses from 1 drop 1 times a day to now taking 5 drops 5 times a day.
I stayed at the lower doses for safety and to allow any plaques to dissipate and heal the tissues under the destroyed growth. I had a little nausea, passed foamy bowel waters (which I think was dead yeast). I am noticing many improvements including less edema in hands, feet, legs, arms, face, stomach and my lymph glands under arms are losing their swelling. My breathing is more productive. I am not having pains from being out of breath.
The age spots on the back of my hands are fading. My cuticles are losing the hardened ridge around the nails. My nails are losing the longitudinal and horizontal ridges and lumps. My skin and nails are glossy rather than dull.
I spoke to Jim and he recommended I could remain at current dose for two weeks then go on maintenance of 6 drops a day. I think I will try this but depending on continual recovery I may stay at the 5 drops X 5 times a day as long as I notice improvements. I believe MS to be a difficult disease and it may take longer to address with this treatment. Also I have lost 8 lbs and 6 inches from my waist and I am not dieting.
I am a monitor on the Goodshape Histamine, LDN and alternative message board. This is an active and supportive message board. Many with MS but we address all immune disorders, Lupus, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, Parkinson's, and ALS. I hope you will all visit us at.
7. A case that came to me by email today (5/7/08)I've had a problem in my groin area for 8 years. I had a sharp burning pain in my urethra, I had to go to the bathroom two or three times a night, and it was dripping' afterwards. I'd gone to many doctors and have done all the usual tests for std's, the urine, stool, and blood tests. They couldn't tell me anything other than to eat right and try antibiotics. I took many antibiotics and none of them affected the problem at all.
I've been visiting my Mother and my Step-Dad gave me the MMS. Within one week the pain is gone and I can hardly notice I had a problem at all and I can hold my bladder again. This is truly a miracle and I am so grateful for you all.
8. A case from Australia.Firstly congratulations, and thank you, thank you, thank you. Keep taking your MMS so you stay alive for many more years to enjoy your successful journey of this life.
I have been using MMS now for seven weeks, and would like to relate the following improvements in my health.
My lifelong battle with REFLUX/HEARTBURN/ACID GUT seems to be over. that all disappeared after four days and hasn't come back. (my system succumbed to beer and chips and other assorted rubbish one day, but a scheduled daily dose of MMS knocked it on the head within a few minutes).
My lifelong weakness of too much mucus in the nose and throat at most times has been reduced noticeably to a "no problem" level. I now get a incredible good night's sleep every night, dream vividly, and my wife says my snoring is less.
My lifelong weakness to catching the common colds and being very susceptible to any virus or flu going around seems to be over. during the last seven weeks I deliberately exposed myself to catch a cold several times, did get it, and knocked it on the head within hours (only experienced a few sneezes, and slight runny nose) then I was exposed to a severe flu virus, after two days I had a ticklish throat and a few sneezes, here we go I thought. I took a double dose of MMS before going to bed that night and woke up the next day as right as rain. I expect my cholesterol count to have lowered, and my fear of cancer from my enlarged prostrate has subsided.
Many other minor problems were experienced during the last seven weeks, and it is enough for me to say I AM HOOKED ON THE STUFF FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE
9. A case of Gout (in case anyone is wondering about gout)Well, anyone getting tired of success stories yet? There are thousands of them. I don't mean to brag. It's just that you should know that there really are lots of success stories and I have just picked out a few at random. I don't have them all. They are at many of the MMS suppliers' email logs.
Hi Jim and thanks for the very interesting and important information. A friend of mine was given MMS to help him with a serious infection in his mouth. I saw first hand the severity of this infection. In fact, it probably would have gotten worse because of the fact that he did not have the money to go to the doctor for the prescription. I know he took 15 drop dosages for two days and by the third day there was absolutely no sign there was even an infection.
I was amazed. I then asked him if this MMS would help my body relieve the gout. He was not sure and said lets try it out. I was in much pain and could barely walk with swelling in my right ankle and knee. With an attack like this it usually takes a month or two before I'm moving around normally. I took a 15 drop dosage, within a half hour I could feel a tingling in my ankle and knee. There was a bit of physical relief a few hours later. I repeated the 15 drop dosage the next day, also this day I was getting around quite well but still had stiffness and swelling.
By the third day I woke up to no swelling and walked about without any pain what so ever. So now if nobody before me has tried MMS for the gout, I can say without a doubt, it cleared up the condition I had and I know it will keep it in check with supplementary dosages that I'm now taking. So thank you very, very much for all you have done with this MMS project. Paul
Important Note from Jim: Please, don't do 15 drops to start out. Most people get very sick from 15 drops at first. See the standard protocol at [ Here ] or even Clara's protocol on the home page.
10. Don Carlos somewhere in Central America. (Just thought you might like to see something that's happening south of Mexico)Hi Jim: Sorry it has been so long. I'm doing well. MMS is doing even better.
I'm having trouble keeping up -- but I have trained two people to make MMS, and have another one coming from Guatemala to learn. They took a couple of bottles back to Guatemala with them -- gave some to friends -- and now their door is being banged on constantly -- I sent them 20 kits = bottle, measuring spoons, sand timer, instruction sheets.
I got a drum of the flakes, and still have enough to make more than a thousand bottles -- gotta get more bottles, although I've still probably got 500 left from my disaster order from SKS a couple of months ago.
Thus far, I seem to be breaking about even financially between what I sell and what I give away -- that's good enough for me.
Word of mouth reports are VERY good. I'm trying to keep out of trouble. Political and racist (against the Maya) conditions here are difficult. The poverty here is heartbreaking.
The director of the //censored // is one of the people I taught. They are going to sell MMS over the counter in their (natural) pharmacy, and also going to provide it for free to the tiny clinics in the mountains -- and to any of the shamans and medicine men who want to dispense it -- either free or for very nominal price -- probably cost to make MMS will be the price for them.
More than thirty mountain clinics are testing MMS right now. I don't have formal results, but informal comments are highly favorable. My lines of communication are spotty -- also for political reasons. Political conditions here are only slightly better than in --------- and political conditions here are deteriorating fast.
I'll try to keep in closer contact. Do you have copies of the book in English in Hermosillo?? It'll be a little while before I can order. Carlos
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This page provides information about MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) which is a well known salt in solution. The information is not a substitute for licensed professionals who can diagnose, treat, and give medical advice. This page informs people about an option that non-professional people sometimes use as experimental researchers. These MMS web sites describe one well-known salt in solution for limited internal and external use. The wide use of chlorine dioxide and its descriptions do not and can not represent the practice of medicine. These MMS pages assume no responsibility for how people use or understand these descriptive materials. No products are sold or shipped from this web site. No money is collected or billed.
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This page provides information about MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) which is a well known mineral-salt in solution. The information is not a substitute for licensed professionals who can diagnose, treat, and give medical advice. This page informs people about an option that non-professional people sometimes use as experimental researchers. These MMS web sites describe one well-known salt in solution for limited internal and external use. The wide use of chlorine dioxide and its descriptions do not and can not represent the practice of medicine. These MMS pages assume no responsibility for how people use or understand these descriptive materials. No products are sold or shipped from this web site. No money is collected or billed.
SOURCED FROM videos of Jim Humble with Project Camelot via my previous health labeled blogs by clicking the label below or health labeled blogs under LINKS
And do not forget the product is available via the banner at the top and will soon be coming out in glass with droppers but will sell for about $6 more =$38.30 delivered in the USA because of the need for a larger box and the cost of the glass droppers.