Tuesday, November 30, 2010

11-10 Ben Fulford North Korean attack linked to dismantling of North Korean spy network in Japan

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis101129: North Korean attack linked to dismantling of North Korean spy network in Japan Last week’s North Korean artillery barrage against South Korea was a response to the arrest of Yamaguchi gumi Yakuza syndicate number two Kiyoshi Takayama. Takayama was a senior North Korean agent in Japan and his arrest was part of the dismantling of the North Korean spy network in Japan. The arrest also marks a fundamental change in the secret Japanese government and is part of a comprehensive defeat for the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate and their proxies. The Feds have responded by trying to start a war in the Korean Peninsula. They are also threatening to seize Japanese owned-factories in North America, starting with Toyota and Honda. Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis

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