Thursday, November 25, 2010

11-10 Ben Fulford Amero plan is firmly rejected by world leaders, chaos looms in January

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis101122: Amero plan is firmly rejected by world leaders, chaos looms in January Once again this week, a lot is happening in the world and a lot more is about to happen including: the nationalization of Toyota’s North American operations, a total regime change in Japan, Russia allying itself with Nato, the ongoing release of forbidden technology and top secret negotiations involving the White Dragon Society and the Dragon family. Above all, there are signs of major chaos starting in late January as financial power brokers try to settle accounts by a January 30 th deadline in a system that is mathematically impossible to fix. In other words, the old regime continues to crumble while the new waits in the background. Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis

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