Monday, June 27, 2011

6-26 Poofness - One more....Again. Arrests & Greece situation resolved in private.

Subject: One more....Again
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 17:10:20 -0400

Isley Brothers
Fight The Power lyrics
Send "Fight The Power" Ringtone to your Cell

Time is truly wastin'
There's no guarantee
Smile's in the makin'
You gotta fight the powers that be
Got so many forces
Stayin' on the scene
Givin' up all around me
Faces full a' pain
I try to play my music
They say my music's too loud
I kept talkin about it
I got the big run around
When I rolled with the punches
I got knocked on the ground
With all this bullshit going down

Time is truly wastin'
There's no guarantee
Smile's in the makin'
We gotta fight the powers that be
I don't understand it
People wanna see, ya
Those that got the answers
Red tape in the way
I could take you in easy
That's just half the fun, oh boy
Seeking my satisfaction
Keeps me on the run
I try to play my music
They say my music's too loud
I try talkin about it
I got the big run around
And when I rolled with the punches
I got knocked on the ground
With all this bullshit going down
Time is truly wastin'
There's no guarantee
Smile's in the makin'
You gotta fight the powers that be

If you and I can - we got the power
Fight it, got the power fight, baby
Fight it, fight the power

Greetings and Salutations:

Yes, time is really wastin'. They say time waits for no one, one look out across the planet will tell you the global meltdown is here. Confusion abounds. Plans from 20 years ago are materializing, wipe out the middle class, so there's nothing left but the rich and poor.

definition Socialism

: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

( sometimes initial capital letter ) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
( sometimes initial capital letter ) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
( initial capital letter ) a fascist movement, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

plu·toc·ra·cy (pl-tkr-s)
n. pl. plu·toc·ra·cies
1. Government by the wealthy.
2. A wealthy class that controls a government.
3. A government or state in which the wealthy rule.

I'm hearing words thrown around out here which are used to excite the public to move in one direction or the other. The above words are the flux the world is in right now. You really don't have free will because every idea you play with is held by the walls of these definitions so you really aren't afforded the opportunity to explore other options. So you get the 'appearance' of free will but the options are severely limited. "Free will has to be individually fought for, to over come the obstacles that will be thrown in your way", which stifle stepping outside the box of perceived limits.

I'm presenting all this because every reader across this world is going to come face to face with decisions regarding their future and how they want it to be. This is the finality to this massive money transfer, there was always more to this than sticking money in people's hands. The bridge back to the 20th century is gone, destroyed, so there's no going back. Many things today are going the way of the dodo bird, which calls for adaption and creativity. Everything can't be about 'profit' in this new world, some things will be about the 'right' thing to do and where one's heart is at. This is why the 'architects', went to funding the lower ranks of humanity, they would spread out humanities money from their own experience of lack and wouldn't be concerning themselves with the machine that was never thinking about them, as they ate their caviar and thick steaks. The only way for the great military industrial complex survives in any way is to get up off the hidden tech they have suppressed for over a 100 years. Tesla's stuff never got into the market because J P morgan said he was giving nothing away. No free energy.

Once again the gains that have been made, planet wide, were not put into the news, not yet, They were not ready for wall st to crash. The greece problem was handled albeit not overtly. The architects don't want the euro going away, so they did what they needed to in order to stop the problem. There are over 130 countries ready to rv their currencies, Iraq is just one of them but it gets so much attention because of what Bush did while in office...he broke it, now we have to fix it. Yea, best president this country ever had. He was kind of letting your 5 yr old loose where you keep your collectables, loose. If mc cain had of won, he'd have had to fix the same problems. Bush thought he could tell foreign leaders to take a hike, well, he found out the wh can't operate that way and still maintain. Guess what, the President never had that capacity, they are down in the House right now, trying that theory on the people again, for the elections.

Back in the 80's I was told to look at what was happening in Russia, then I was told your country is next. Only worse because of how much gunk the government has fed the people, which had no basis in facts. They just kept repeating things until they were believed as facts. Facts should be defined as 'accepted opinions'. Science knows, gravity is relative and energy doesn't have to cost the environment. These young ones today will create a different world because they'll be operating on a, whole different set of facts. Imagine, trinary computers(,,sid9_gci931627,00.html) instead of these old binaries we use now and sentient computers...ruh mean my computer talking to me in rational thought???? Yep, just don't name yours 'Hal' lololol. As we have torn thru another week, arrests are taking place silently, the overt stuff hasn't begun yet. But they are grabbing butts who have fought against moving on and dropping 'invitations to a bank' to the common people. Now I am burning some ears up about getting this over, enough is enough, and oh well there's some collateral damage, it was never going to be perfect in the first place. Just because somebody has a listening ear in china, doesn't mean that person is in the group doing this and phones are tapped, no telling what you'll be told.

So, change, money for your pocket is upon us all now, time to get stuff done. No one is dumb enough to drop the magic moment but the world is in the wheel house, which means so are each and everyone of you, who are expecting. Keep your powder dry and don't buy any wooden nickels and watch the crap flying from the media and the politicians. Remember that 'free will' thing, use it right and let's not see any brains dripping out the ear holes. Have a wonderful future....Blessings to one and all. I continue to do consultations until they shut me up with something in my hand.

Love and Kisses,


Sunday, June 26, 2011

James Rink's God box for increased Life Force, manifestation/law of attraction and much more

I have been now getting into James Rink's youtube channel and the technology he is sharing and selling here at using Zero Point Energy/Orgone/Life Force energy. It is quite fascinating and I now want to build 1 for myself. I have always thought the cone is better then a pyramid for the CSE/ZPE effect. I did share how I thought this energy is a conical spiral on my talkshoes and possibly my youtubes on orgone. My UFO TECH playlist, Sheldan Nidle interview uploads with pics and blogs labelled ZPE share this aswell ie the Spin field that is spiraling conical nature just inspired by Richard C Hoaglands Torsion field talks on coast to coast on the bees way back in 2007 I think. The bees antenna moves in a cone detecting this torsion field that emanates from all living things including its hive. I shared a link in at least 1 of my youtubes and maybe playlists on how you can detect this energy without a human interference ie taking the human out of the picture. As with dowsing and plumbob methods where the human holds rods or a string with a weight on the end. I am not saying these methods are not valid, although I am a bit of a scientist and like to take out the possibilities of interference as much as possible. Here it is from a google search on Biofield Meter from Dr. Buryl Payne
Dr. Buryl Payne
Home About Me

600 Park Ave., Apt. 4D
Capitola, CA 95010

Academy for Peace Research PsychoPhysics Labs Current Planetary Influences New Discovery!
Spin Force of Humans
All Products
About Spin Force Book Biofield meter Users Observations

The Biofield Meter

A measurement device for what has heretofore been unmeasurable - an energy field around the human body.

The Biofield Meter is simple to use, rugged, and stable in operation. To make a measurement, a person sits under the instrument with eyes at the level of the frame and reads the degree of initial rotation on a wall scale. Usually the initial amount of rotation will be between 1 and 70 degrees.

The discovery of this instrument opens up a whole new area of scientific investigation.

Biofield Meter with Ebook - $70

Free Shipping

Outside the U.S.? - pay an addition $10 shipping fee. Total $80

Upon purchase, please send email to and we will send you the Ebook and Biofield Meter.

Click for larger image.

WHAT IS THE Biofield?

The term "Biofield" is merely an abbreviation for biological energy field. The Biofield is related to magnetism, yet different from it. It may be related to what people have called the human aura. It seems to be a spinning force or torque around the body. Further research is needed to determine the nature of the Biofield.


* Measurements of the Biofield have shown that it is highly variable and closely associated with magnetic changes of the Earth's field.

* During strong geomagnetic disturbances the Biofield will vary in both amplitude and polarity. (that is, initial direction of rotation of the Biofield Meter.)

* There is a polarity change 85% of the time around new or full moon.

* People are more stressed and hyperactive during periods of geomagnetic disturbance. Accidents, illness, crimes, and international battles are all more likely to happen at these times.

* Weather storms often are more severe at times of geomagnetic disturbances. The Biofield also varies accordingly.

The Discovery of the Biofield: A different kind of Magnetism?

and my youtube on it also showed lol here

DOR TO OR & Biofield Meter for Measuring Orgonite

where you will find it linked in more info along with another interesting link.

Another thing I noticed in James Rink's God box is the number of cones which is more important then size as Dr Fred Bell told me on his show after I called in in 2005ish. Dr Fred Bell said It is better to have a lot of pyramids in your fuel tank rather then just 1 big pyramid over the car (which he thought I said and he tried to make fun of me but if you listen to those 1st 16 shows of his you will realise he is mistaken). This is also what Stan Tenan said on you can listen too that the Great Pyramid had calcite which is limestone crystals covering it, which are pyramid shaped just like the Great Pryamid they where on so it resonated with it.

James Rinks god box reminds me of Nassim Harameins talk (youtubes I have shared in my playlist here at the end of the 45 parts around part 36 AT 8 MINUTES I think

) about the Arch of the Covenant in the King James Old Testimate described God as the Tetragramatron (Tetra=pyramid, Gramatron=Gravity)( that Moses used to part the Red Sea with.
In Joy my friends

Change is on the Horizon - MUST SEE - A Masterpiece on White Knights & the Illuminati


thanks too John for turning me onto this from his blog here below and thanks too Mr Ed and RMN team


Three years of hard work finally done. MUST VIEW!

Change is on the Horizon is the epic story of how the world lost its soul and how it will gain it back. Directed and narrated by James Rink.

Part 1 Dawn of the Golden Age - Discuses how Saint Germain helped bring about the beginnings of a enlightened era which soon fell into darkness under the helms of the Illuminati and a corrupted masonic order.
Part 2 - The American Federal Empire. America was always meant to be always a shinning beacon of freedom and prosperity to the world. But the machinations of British bankers and the Rothschild's soon destroyed all that was once good in this great land.

Part 3 - The Farmer Claim Program - Discuses how a class action lawsuit brought about in the early 1990's lead to the creation of NESARA, the National Economic Security and Reformation which will ultimately tear apart the New World Order and bankers plans right out from under their feet.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

"Change is on the Horizon" by James Rink (3 pt Video) Pre-Disclosure ***MUST SEE***

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 22-Jun-2011 18:57:47

"Change is on the Horizon" by James Rink (3 pt Video) Pre-Disclosure ***MUST SEE***

The real history of America they didn't teach you in school.
This is lengthy (about 1 hour each part) so if it is too much for you at once...just view 1 part each day.

After over 20 years of my own research into this and similar subjects I can personally tell you that "everything" you see & hear in this documentary is factual & true.

This young man of 31 has spent 3 years in the making of this film...and I have never seen such a comprehensive compilation of facts.

I wonder who & where he got some of it from...but he claims to be a direct contactee with the Galactic Federation of I am not surprised.

Please take the time to view this carefully (as it is packed full of data) and please share this with the truth must get out.

I am sure many of you will be shocked to learn the truth...but as I said...this is real. Mr.Ed

1. YouTube - Change is on the Horizon Part 1 of 3 Dawn of the Golden Age

2. YouTube - Change is on the Horizon Part 2 of 3 The American Federal Empire

3. YouTube - Change is on the Horizon Part 3 of 3 The Farmer Claims Program


Anonymous said...

I just watched part 3 /... very good and informative... The Clones are a little hard to believe and they just brush right over that

Anonymous said...

I have been in contact with James (producer of these films) since last year. He is actually a super soldier that was trained under the secret government. He openly speaks about some of his faded memories and his clone that is used while he is on secret missions. He has also written some books that are awesome to read.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all contributors! Brilliant presentation!

Anonymous said...

If you want to learn more about clones...go here. Mr.Ed >>>

Alcuin and Flutterby: The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton

Anonymous said...

Hi I am James Rink , never thought this documentary would get this much attention. I made this because i got tired of Wikipedia and documentaries like zeigiest, money masters, loose change, Alex Jones endgame just dashing around the issues. No one wants to go down to the core of the problem. A lot of people are afraid of looking at the insidious truth or just too lazy to care. So i attempted to make rather boring information interesting and I hope i managed to keep your attention. Three hours of material is a lot to digest. When I showed part 2 to a small audience last December they were all overwhelmed of the info as it keeps coming and coming at you until at the end you feel like you want to vomit from anger at what these people have done. That's my goal to shock the person with the truth and maybe plant a seed so they will stop being a follower but instead take action and do something. For me it was making a documentary but for you maybe its something different. Hoped i helped in some way. Thanks


James Rink actually got in contact with me I think around late 2008 just after I came out with my youtube channel. Since yesterday we have been messaging each other. I found out he sourced much of this info from other sources then myself, so that means he may have had different sources and thus strengthens both of our stories/theories about what is really going on. I have permission to share this video in my youtubes uploads and will do ASAP so those that do not follow this blog nor my youtube favorites will see it and too back James up in case they take his channel out. Although I think he is protected and that will not happen.

In Joy my friends

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

6-10 Queen & Pope Charged with Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity & Child Trafficking

Sept. 15 Tribunal to hear evidence on Elizabeth Windsor culpability in Canadian depleted uranium (du) and radiation genocide as well as Windsor and Pope Ratzinger culpability in crimes against humanity, and child trafficking

Defendants Elizabeth Windsor and Joseph Ratzinger

By Alfred Lambremont Webre

Listen to exclusive interview with Rev. Kevin Annett of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State.


Please click on the URL below to listen to interview to Rev. Kevin Annet and Alfred Lambremont Webre

Child trafficking, Canadian depleted uranium (du) and radiation genocide

Pope Joseph Ratzinger and Queen Elizabeth Windsor have both been issued a Public Summons by the ITCCS to appear before it in September and answer charges of their complicity in crimes against humanity, genocide and child trafficking, as well as Elizabeth Windsor’s culpability in Canadian depleted uranium (du) and radiation genocide.

September 15, 2011 ITCCS Tribunals

ITCCS Tribunals will be convened in London, Dublin, Brussels and Rome on September 15, 2011.

Tribunals associated with the ITCCS will also be convened on September 15, 2011 in Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa, Canada, in New York City, in Mexico City, and at venues in Australia.

“These cities [London, Dublin, Brussels and Rome] are all very close to the scene of the historical crimes we’ll be investigating, and are home to the institutions that have been summoned to appear at our Tribunals, such as the Vatican and the Crown of England” said ITCCS Executive official Dr. Eduardo Rosario today at a gathering in London.

“We look to the European Parliament and its Human Rights courts to aid us in our deliberations, and we deliberately chose to meet in Brussels to seek such help from the European Union.”

ITCCS endorsed by 30 organizations including Eurostaete.

The ITCCS has the endorsement of over thirty organizations, including eight indigenous nations in North America and Asia, survivors of Catholic church torture in Ireland, Australia and England, and the autonomous sovereign nation of Eurostaete.

The September 15, 2011 ITCCS Tribunals are part of the International Movement to Stop Church and State Terror -
Commencing September 15 – October 31, 2011

For more Information:

To present first hand or expert testimony at the September 15, 2011 Tribunals at any location (London, Dublin, Brussels, Rome, Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa, Canada, in New York City, in Mexico City, and at venues in Australia) please contact:

Rev. Kevin Annett, ITCCS

Tel: 1-250-753-3345


Continue reading "Sept. 15 Tribunal to hear evidence on Elizabeth Windsor culpability in Canadian depleted uranium (du) and radiation genocide as well as Windsor and Pope Ratzinger culpability in crimes against humanity, and child trafficking" »



The Gathering Storm of Justice: From Victims to Warriors

Posted on June 09, 2011 by itccs

Join the International Movement to Stop Church and State Terror -
Commencing September 15 – October 31, 2011

Where the Buck Stops - Elizabeth Windsor and Joseph Ratzinger: Wanted for Complicity in Crimes against Humanity

Tribunals to be convened in London, Dublin, Brussels and Rome on September 15, 2011

The ITCCS Executive announced today that its member organizations plan to convene opening sessions into crimes of church and state in four European capitals on September 15.

“These cities are all very close to the scene of the historical crimes we’ll be investigating, and are home to the institutions that have been summoned to appear at our Tribunals, such as the Vatican and the Crown of England” said ITCCS Executive official Dr. Eduardo Rosario today at a gathering in London.

“We look to the European Parliament and its Human Rights courts to aid us in our deliberations, and we deliberately chose to meet in Brussels to seek such help from the European Union.”

Pope Joseph Ratzinger and Queen Elizabeth Windsor have both been issued a Public Summons by the ITCCS to appear before it in September and answer charges of their complicity in crimes against humanity, genocide and child trafficking.

The ITCCS has the endorsement of over thirty organizations, including eight indigenous nations in North America and Asia, survivors of Catholic church torture in Ireland, Australia and England, and the autonomous sovereign nation of Eurostaete.

Other Tribunals associated with the ITCCS will also be convened on September 15 in Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa, Canada, in New York City, in Mexico City, and at venues in Australia to be announced.


My Nan did pass peacefuly about 12 hours ago & I was granted my Green Card

For those of you who followed my 3 week ago request to send love and light or pray my nan goes which ever way she wills I thank you. Nan got to see all close relatives before she went on 430am Wednesday Brisbane, Queensland Australia time. I called on her Saturday at 11am and although she could not speak the nurse said she definitely heard me. I had the feeling before I called that she did not have much longer and would hold on to see relies over the weekend then let go early to mid week around 3am in the peace of the week and night. Nan had a stroke about late May that initiated her departure. She was in her early 80's. I loved her so much. Last night around 730pm here I called my mum at her 930am then my Dad and step mother. I then went to bed at 8pm and minutes afterwards I felt a presence in the room that made me think an actual person was in the room and while looking at the back of my eye lids I saw a dark ball move from top to bottom. I can only guess this was Nan and have never had something like that happen to me before. It was quite profound and not just a wondering dreaming mind.

I had just been up since 1030pm Monday night the day my 2 year Conditional Permanent Residence/Green Card was granted at 8am here in the US at Tampa Florida during the i-485 Interview. My nan was also told of this success after we both called our parents around 830 to 9am and how happy we were as the huge load was just lifted of of us. A lot of work was put in and the officer had about 700 pages of files I had submitted that probably took us about 2 to 4 weeks at 40 hours per week behind supplying. I was up since midnight Saturday right through till 11 am Monday, that's 35 hours which included up to about 5pm Sunday of 20 odd hours between both of us preparing before even leaving for our Tampa Hotel, where we worked from 1130pm till 7am minus a couple of hours getting food on sorting out the 500 pages. The funny thing is the interview only took 2 to 3 minutes, then 2 to 3 telling us what next, then we where out at 811am after sitting down at 753am in the waiting room, lol. We printed off about 500 pages Sunday and he only looked asked a few must ask questions and asked for some photos, how we met and then said your approved, lol. Now we can focus on living and our honeymoon. A cruise down around Jamaica and over too some Pyramids in Central America now that I am finally allowed out of the country with the stamp and letter I received in my passport from the interview.

6-17 U.S. officially drop all charges against Osama bin Laden

IT IS FINALLY HAPPENING IE as Ben Fulford just said in his last full net article that the Pentagon now mostly run by Good guys/White Knights would drop the screens. I guess meaning let all the dirt would come out on the massive cover-ups that the global criminals have done and this blog here and the next above show that. These are exciting days as the GFL update shared a few days ago UFO/ET DISCLOSURE HAS STARTED and this would be PRE-DISCLOSURE for sure, lol.

U.S. officially drop all charges against Osama bin Laden

  • Issued 'nolle prosque' order - meaning do not prosecute - typical once a defendant is deceased

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 10:21 PM on 17th June 2011

Cleared: Due to his death, all charges against Osama were dropped by a U.S. judge

Cleared: Due to his death, all charges against Osama were dropped by a U.S. judge

A U.S. judge has dismissed all criminal charges against Osama bin Laden following the al Qaeda leader's death in a military raid in Pakistan.

U.S. District Court judge Lewis Kaplan, who had been presiding over the bin Laden case in Manhattan federal court, issued an order called 'nolle prosequi', which means 'do not prosecute' in Latin, a typical legal move once a defendant is deceased.

It closed the case after 13 years.

Bin Laden was indicted back in 1998 in the Southern District of New York for his role in the al Qaeda attack on the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, which killed more than 200 people, including a dozen Americans.

The indictment was later revised to charge bin Laden in the dual bombings of two American embassies in East Africa that killed 224 on August 7, 1998, and in the suicide attack on the USS Cole in 2000. None of the charges involved the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

The court filing included an affidavit by a senior U.S. Department of Justice official describing the U.S. military raid on bin Laden's hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in May.

Celebration: With the new One World Trade Center building in the background, second left, a large, jubilant crowd reacts to the news of Osama BIN Laden's death on May 1

Celebration: With the new One World Trade Center building in the background, second left, a large, jubilant crowd reacts to the news of Osama BIN Laden's death on May 1

Scene: The interior bedroom in the mansion where Osama Bin Laden was killed on May 1. Due to his slaying, all charges have been dropped

Scene: The interior bedroom in the mansion where Osama Bin Laden was killed on May 1. Due to his slaying, all charges have been dropped

According to ABC, after reciting Bin Laden's multiple aliases and then listing the counts against him for ten pages, Assistant U.S. Attorney Nicholas Lewin noted: 'On or about May 1, 2011, while this case was still pending, defendant Usama Bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in the course of an operation conducted by the United States.'

Lewin then provides evidence that bin Laden was actually killed in the raid, including the confirmation of his identity by DNA analysis and facial recognition analysis, eyewitness confirmation by one of bin Laden's wives, video of bin Laden found in the Abbottabad compound and the 'significant quantity' of other al Qaeda material seized by U.S. Navy Seals during last month's raid.

The papers detail the CIA's painstaking efforts to make sure the man killed May 2 during a Navy SEALs raid of his compound in Pakistan was indeed bin Laden.

Absent: Osama's charge sheet did not list the September 11 terror attacks as one of his crimes

Absent: Osama's charge sheet did not list the September 11 terror attacks as one of his crimes

The statement said: 'The possibility of a mistaken identification is approximately one in 11.8 quadrillion.'

The document also makes a passing reference to a 'significant quantity' of terrorist network material recovered at the hideout, including 'correspondence between Osama bin Laden and other senior al Qaeda leaders that concerns a range of al Qaeda issues'.

Also named as a defendant was Ayman al-Zawahiri, the Egyptian eye doctor and longtime bin Laden deputy who has become al Qaeda's new leader.

The charges included conspiracy to kill U.S. nationals, conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction against U.S. nationals and conspiracy to damage and destroy U.S. property.

Around the time the charges were first filed, the CIA's bin Laden unit was pursuing a plan to use Afghan operatives to capture bin Laden and hand him over for trial either in the United States or in an Arab country, according to the 9/11 Commission.

Read more:


Bin Laden Cleared Of Terrorism: But Was Never Charged For 9/11

Jun 20th, 2011 | By Keelan Balderson | Category: Featured Articles, War On Terror | Print Print

In a recent headline that will go unnoticed by many, Osama Bin Laden has been cleared of all terrorism charges, which is a standard procedure now that he’s dead and there’s nobody to prosecute.

However what exactly were those charges to begin with? Many would assume 9/11. After all we were told that Bin Laden orchestrated the September 11th attacks and that we needed to invade Afghanistan to find him.

As reported by the Daily Mail:

Bin Laden was indicted back in 1998 in the Southern District of New York for his role in the al Qaeda attack on the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, which killed more than 200 people, including a dozen Americans.

The indictment was later revised to charge bin Laden in the dual bombings of two American embassies in East Africa that killed 224 on August 7, 1998, and in the suicide attack on the USS Cole in 2000. None of the charges involved the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

That’s right, the Al Qaeda mastermind that has been plastered all over the news for the past decade as having orchestrated 9/11, was never actually charged. Why? Because there is absolutely no evidence that he was involved.

Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI; when asked why there was no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s FBI Most Wanted web page, stated, “…the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” [1]

In fact Bin Laden openly denied carrying out the attacks. As noted by CNN at the time:
“The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it.

“I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons,” bin Laden’s statement said.

“I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders’ rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations,” bin Laden said.

Of course the globalists and Neocons had a preplanned war to fight so they had to link Bin Laden to 9/11 some how. Their solution? Lie!

Remember the Bin Laden confession tape, heralded by the establishment as proof? It was deliberately mistranslated.

Professor Gernot Rotter, scholar of Islamic and Arabic Studies explains: “Regardless of the question if bin Laden personally was actively involved in the organization of the attacks or not: This tape is of such poor quality that many passages are unintelligible. And those that are intelligible have often been taken out of context, so that you can’t use that as evidence…The American translators who listened to the tape and transcribed it obviously added things that they wanted to hear in many places. Things that can’t be heard – never mind how often you listen to it.” [2]

The invasion of Afghanistan was baseless and illegal. Western governments presented no evidence that those who were behind the attacks were hiding in the region.

The Taliban were more than happy to hand over Bin Laden, as long as they were provided proof and evidence of his whereabouts. Bush refused and invaded anyway. [3]

Whether Bin Laden was already dead before the alleged raid in Pakistan, as most of the evidence suggests, is irrelevant to this point. The US had to assassinate him or pretend to, because if they had theoretically brought him to trial, he’d have walked away free from the 9/11 charge. There was no 9/11 charge to begin with.

This would have destroyed the official fairy tail and sent millions of people down the rabbit hole to discover the attacks were orchestrated, not by a bearded man in a cave, but by elements within the US government and international intelligence agencies, to mount an imperialist assault on the Middle-East.

Of course that isn’t to say Bin Laden wasn’t a fundamentalist nut-job that at times helped fund terrorism, but he was also a pawn of the CIA, who also happens to fund terrorism…..a lot!


Monday, June 20, 2011


Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20110620: Bilderberger meeting cancelled halfway through as participants flee to avoid arrest Sources in the BIS and CIA confirm the Bilderberger meeting held starting June 9 th in St. Moritz, Switzerland was cancelled halfway through because prominent participants, including Henry (Heinz) Kissinger faced imminent arrest. Following this, two prominent Bilderbergers, Joseph Ackermann CEO of Deutschebank and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, contacted the White Dragon Society and offered to cooperate in setting up the new financial system. A negotiator for the Chinese communist government also expressed support for the new financial system at a meeting last week in China with a White Dragon Representative. However, a lot of technical work remains to be completed so it is hard to give a precise date for the changes. There is also a strong possibility the new financial system will be introduced quietly and gradually with no major public announcements. Weekly Geopolitical News and Analys


Sunday, June 19, 2011

6-19 Peace is coming to Libya via Russia

Do you remember how Putin acted to Prevent World War 3 in Georgia as I youtubed way back? Well I just made this new playlist with about 67 videos (so you will need to click the link to the playlist underneath the embed player which only allows 50 to be seen) my uploads and Russia Today along with Richard C Hoagland, Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock and more of the latest news on the IMF head to change. I still have to revise this plalist.

Medvedev deserves Nobel Prize for Libya peace process - Tunisian FM

Published: 19 June, 2011, 04:27
Edited: 19 June, 2011, 10:17

Russia, St. Petersburg: Russian President Dmitry Medvedev gestures as he attends the ceremony of the International Global Energy Award at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 17, 2011. (AFP Photo / Kirill Kudryavtsev)

(3.4Mb) embed video

TAGS: Conflict, Military, NATO, Medvedev, Obama, Politics, Opposition

According to the Russian president’s special envoy in Africa, Mikhail Margelov, the idea of nominating Dmitry Medvedev for the Nobel Peace Prize for mediating in the Libyan conflict belongs to the Tunisian foreign minister, Muldi Kefi.

­Margelov shared the news with Russian journalists during a media briefing in Moscow on Saturday. Margelov said that the Tunisian authorities are certain the Russian president justly deserves the reward “even today” and “to a greater extent surely than US president Barack Obama, who got his Nobel in advance,” less than a year after entering office.

Awarding the recently inaugurated American president Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 sparked hot public debate worldwide, with the reasoning and phrasing of the award causing a great deal of headscratching.

Since February 2011, when the civil war started in Libya, Russia has consistently stuck to a neutral position. Then, once Moscow established contact with the rebels’ National Transitional Council in late May, Russia offered to become an intermediary power to settle the conflict in Libya.

Mikhail Margelov returned to Moscow on Saturday after his official visit to Libya where he held talks with both the pro- and anti-Gaddafi sides. In the course of negotiations, Margelov stressed that Moscow intends to send humanitarian aid to both sides.

He also said that both sides were willing to talk, but the Alliance should first stop its airstrikes:

“Tripoli is expecting to see an immediate ceasefire before a peace process can begin. It’s also refusing to discuss the departure of Colonel Gaddafi from the political scene. There is a dialogue going on between the warring sides, but for those talks to bring any results, Tripoli says its ceasefire must be put in place and international mediators in to keep regulating the process. One thing is clear: Russia is very welcome as a mediator, both in Tripoli and in Benghazi. We will keep working together.”

In order to expedite the peace process, Russia has agreed to consider the insurgents’ National Transitional Council as a legitimate party in the negotiations, but has refused to recognize it as Libya’s official authority.

Tunisia to host talks between Libyan adversaries?

­Tunisia is ready to host roundtable talks between Colonel Gaddafi and opposition rebels.

The Kremlin's special envoy in Libya, Mikhail Margelov, says negotiations will happen on the island of Djerba only if Russia and the African Union mediate between the two sides.

According to Margelov, the rebels see Russia as a key partner in overseeing any possible talks.

The NATO campaign has also come under pressure in Washington, where President Obama has been accused of breaking American law by not asking Congress for permission to extend US military involvement, while the White House says it doesn't need approval.

An image grab taken from Libyan state television on June 13, 2011 shows Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi playing chess with the head of the World Chess Federation in Tripoli on June 12, 2011. (AFP Photo/Libyan TV) 14.06, 12:45 14 comments

“Gaddafi is ready for unconditional talks” - chess envoy

Muammar Gaddafi is ready for talks with NATO and rebels, says a former Russian governor, who unofficially visited Tripoli on Sunday.

Libya's Odyssey Dawn
A Libyan man shouts slogans as he waves the flag of the Libyan revolution (AFP Photo / Saeed Khan) 08.06, 15:45 5 comments

Russia holding the middle ground in Libya

With civil war raging between the rebels and forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, and NATO operations looking increasingly ineffectual, Russia finds itself in a unique position for getting the warring sides to the negotiating table.

The Russian peace mediator in Libya for talks with opposition 07.06, 20:56 6 comments

Russian envoy visits Libya on peace mission

Mikhail Margelov has visited Libya on a peace mission, in the latest attempt to bring both sides of the conflict to negotiations. The Russian mediator has met with the leaders of the Libyan opposition in Benghazi.

Arab world protests Libya's Odyssey Dawn
Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (L) and Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev reveiw an honour guard during a meeting on June 2, 2011 at Villa Pamphili in Rome (AFP Photo / Alberto Pizzoli) 02.06, 16:23 4 comments

Medvedev talking Libyan war in Rome

Russia’s president is in Rome, attending grand celebrations of the country’s 150th anniversary of unification. Dmitry Medvedev has also found time to talk serious matters with the Italian PM, including Libya and the country’s bilateral relations.

Arab world protests Libya's Odyssey Dawn
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (RIA Novosti / Dmitry Astakhov) 02.06, 17:17 3 comments

Libyan people should decide on the country’s fate – Medvedev

Moscow wants to give maximal assistance to the settlement of the Libyan situation through negotiations rather than military force, and to let the people decide on the country’s fate, President Dmitry Medvedev has said.

Libya's Odyssey Dawn
(RIA Novosti / STF) 01.06, 11:06 1 comment

Russia ready for talks with all feasible political forces in Libya – Medvedev

Russia is ready for a dialogue with all forces in Libya that have a political future, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said while discussing Libyan settlement with his South African counterpart.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gold-backed financial system is poised to trigger

Long overdue collapse of Western fiat paper capitalism becomes visible in Greece.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
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The Western revolution begins in Syntagma Square, Athens.
A photograph. Other pictures here, here, here and here.


Long overdue collapse of Western fiat paper capitalism becomes visible in Greece. Greek sovereign default now politically desirable and inevitable. Euro currency faces oblivion. Rothschild European project in tatters.
More here (14.06.11). But there is a crumb of comfort for Athens. Their financial mess is not as bad as Washington's. Universal debt forgiveness (a global debt jubilee) and the disbursement of The World Global Settlement Funds have become unavoidable. In the background, the new global, gold-backed financial system is poised to trigger. The vaults are stocked. The precious metals are audited. The new currencies are printed, minted and ready. Even the Zionists cannot delay the international financial reliefs about to break surface. More emerging global background here and here.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

6-9 Sheldan Nidle Interview 2pm EST Thursday

Let's ask Sheldan Nidle about our Galactic Neighbors.

by tazzandpaula

Airdate:Thu, Jun 9, 2011 02:00PM

Do we have outside help from our Galactic Neighbors to get us through the present and upcoming turbalence? This is what we will be asking Sheldon Nidle.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

6-7 NASA: Bio-Station Alpha and Face on Mars are not artificial structures

I am embedding this video as the original linked within the article that I watched many days ago is now down. Probably censored. They can take 1 of us out, then it multiplies into 10x the amount. You can not stop us now.

June 7th, 2011 6:08 pm PT

Alfred Lambremont Webre

Seattle Exopolitics Examiner

Continue reading on NASA: "Bio-Station Alpha and Face on Mars are not artificial structures" - Seattle exopolitics |

NASA continued its active cover-up of life on Mars by confirming today in a written statement to this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre by NASA officer Dwayne C. Brown, stating that neither Bio-Station Alpha nor the Face on Mars are artificial structures.

The NASA statement, sent at 3:58 pm pdt on June 7, 2011, as NASA’s official comment on Bio Station Alpha states:

“Mars surface images have been thoroughly studied by NASA scientists and researchers worldwide. While NASA applauds the public’s interest and fascination of images of the Red Planet, there’s no scientific evidence or data to confirm a structure on the surface. There was a time that a feature on Mars was widely described as a face on Mars. It turned out to be an eroded mesa when seen in higher resolution.”

Dwayne C. Brown
Senior Public Affairs Officer, Office of Communications
NASA Science Mission Directorate
Washington, D.C.

Bio-Station Alpha – description on Google Mars

A photo of Bio-Station Alpha is above in Figure A.

According to international news media, “David Martines was scanning Google Mars when he discovered the long white edifice and has even listed the coordinates (49'19.73"N 29 33'06.53"W) so others can see it for themselves.

“Mr. Martines posted a video of the 'station' on YouTube which has been viewed more than 200,000 times.

[Martines has since taken his video offline, and it can be seen at the following URL

“On the video, he talks through the discovery he has named ‘Bio-Station Alpha. ‘It's very unusual in that it's quite large, it's over 700 feet (210m) long and 150 feet (45m) wide. It looks like it's a cylinder or made up of cylinders," he says.

“’It could be a power station or it could be a biological containment or it could be a glorified garage — hope it's not a weapon.

“’I don't know if NASA even knows about this.’”

HiRISE director: Bio-Station Alpha is pixelization

The principal investigator of HiRISE telescope orbiting Mars says "Bio-Station Alpha" is “simply a glitch in the image caused by cosmic energy interfering with the camera.”

“’It looks like a linear streak artifact produced by a cosmic ray,’ said Alfred McEwen, a planetary geologist at the Lunar and Planetary Lab at the University of Arizona and the director of the Planetary Imaging Research Laboratory. McEwen is the principal investigator of the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE), a powerful telescope currently orbiting Mars.

“Cosmic rays are extremely energetic particles emitted by the sun and other stars. For the most part, the Earth's protective magnetosphere blocks them from hitting the planet's surface, McEwen explained. ‘But with space images that are taken outside our magnetosphere, such as those taken by orbiting telescopes, it's very common to see these cosmic ray hits. You see them on optical images and a lot of the infrared images too," he told Life's Little Mysteries.’

“As a cosmic ray passes through a camera's image sensor, it deposits a large amount of its electric charge in the pixels that it penetrates. If the particle passes through at a shallow angle to the plane of the camera, it affects several pixels along its path. The result is a bright streak on the image.

“’The digital compression software that converts the image into a JPEG file then "sort of smears out the image, giving it that pixelated look,’ McEwen said. What started as a clear streak in high-resolution turns into a streak that, in the armchair astronaut's words, looks like it is ‘made up of cylinders.’”

“McEwen said that the cosmic ray streak would be much easier to recognize in the raw, pre-compressed image, but many orbiters and telescopes have contributed imagery to create the Mars map, and Google doesn't identify the source image.

“’I can't tell whether this image was taken by Viking or what,’ McEwen said. ‘The people at Google need to document what the heck they're doing. They should be able to identify what the source of their information is, and let people know so they can go back and look at the raw data.’”

Continuing Life on Mars coverup - NASA stating Face on Mars is not artificial structure

By linking Bio-Station Alpha and the Face on Mars and denying publicly that the Face on Mars is an artificial structure, NASA is continuing its coverup of both ancient and current indigenous life on Mars.

In an article on the huge, simian visage found in the Cydonia region of Mars known as The Face on Mars, the late Dr. Tom van Flandern, former chief astronomer of the U.S. Naval Observatory, concluded that the probability that The Face on Mars is an artificial structure exceeds “a thousand billion billion to one.”

A "New Cydonia" of ancient extraterrestrial monuments found on Mars

A major, new complex of massive, ancient terra-forms has been found in the Reull Vallis of Mars. The monuments were photographed by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) onboard the Mars Orbiter Express of the European Space Agency (ESA) on January 15, 2004 from a height of 170 miles above the surface of Mars.


The Reull Vallis site includes at least nine striking statues of human and animal faces clearly visible from space, including very large ground drawings featuring the profiles of primates and canines. Like the long-heralded Cydonia site, this intriguing new site also contains a large, pyramid-shaped landform that can be seen at the right bottom of the ESA photograph, where the channel of the Ruell Vallis turns and flows to the south.

The Face on Mars at Cydonia now has nine exquisite companions

Andrew D. Basiago, 47, president of the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS), made the finding in the ESA photograph captioned SEMBY9474OD. Basiago has termed the complex “New Cydonia” after the location of The Face on Mars that was discovered by Vincent DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar, two computer engineers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center while searching through NASA archives in 1976.


Basiago’s discovery of the new location, which strongly supports the notion that The Face on Mars at Cydonia is an artificial object, is described in an eight-page report containing textual analysis and photographs entitled “Ancient Terra-forms found in the Reull Vallis of Mars” that is available at by clicking here (PDF).

The D&M Pyramid reinterpreted

Basiago has termed the large, pyramidal land form that can be seen at the right bottom of the ESA photograph the “D&M II Pyramid” after the “D&M Pyramid” that was found adjacent to the “The Face on Mars” site at Cydonia by DiPietro and Molenaar in 1976. “D&M” refers to the initials in DiPietro and Molenaar’s last names.

In his report on the New Cydonia, Basiago observes:

“Like the D&M Pyramid, the D&M II Pyramid found at Ruell Vallis is not quite a pyramid but rather an irregular, four-sided mound biased sharply towards the northwest. One seems to possess a face, the other the long arms and legs and head of an anthropomorphic figure. These similarities seem to imply that these land forms are not pyramids at all but rather terra-forms that are… examples of the Martian propensity to craft natural land forms into works of art featuring the faces of humans and animals.

“D&M II seems to be a massive face that has weathered,” he continues. “There are smaller terra-formed faces immediately southeast of it and at a greater distance northeast of it. These findings tend to support the conclusion that it is another face and not a pyramid. I have long suspected that the D&M Pyramid is not a pyramid but instead a terra-form featuring a stick figure like a human child on Earth might draw.”

Martian orb craters at New Cydonia

The MARS report also identifies an apparent ancient Martian art form – the “orb crater.”

The report states:

“Ruell Vallis is a place where there are apparent craters inside of which humanoid faces have been sculpted. The irregular rims of these craters reveal that they are not the result of impacts by objects from space but rather have resulted from the act of creating the faces themselves. These art objects, which Basiago has named orb craters, are numerous in the ESA image.

“Paranormal researchers will recognize in these works of art the faces found inside of orbs in the orbs phenomenon on Earth. Faces like these are sometimes found staring silently out from the orbs that are captured by digital cameras. The ubiquitous nature of these land forms in the vicinity of Ruell Vallis indicates how… the surface of Mars has been terra-formed into works of art that show a child-like simplicity and spontaneity.”

One of these orb craters can be seen on the neck of a large terra-form featuring a barking dog lunging toward the channel of the Ruell Vallis.

Three Martian civilizations: Ancient, modern surface, and modern underground

With these findings of the New Cydonia complex at Reull Vallis, Andrew D. Basiago’s discoveries have now extended to three categories of intelligent civilization on Mars – ancient, modern surface, and modern underground Martian civilizations.

Basiago sees a Mars-Egypt connection in the artifacts comprising the New Cydonia. The MARS report states, “This is one of a growing array of artifacts… found on Mars that establish the connection between Ancient Egypt and Ancient Mars, suggesting that in antiquity one was the colony of the other.”

He continues:

“My speculation is that Ancient Mars was a colony of Ancient Egypt, rather than vice versa. I say this because Earth had the abundant biosphere that could have sustained ancient civilization in its attempt to reach Mars. The Great Pyramid at Giza and the Great Platform at Baalbek, which may have been an ancient launch pad, may be evidence of this effort. I find it far less compelling that human beings on Mars reached Earth first, given Mars’ far less fertile environment. The human beings on Mars are probably the descendants of colonists from Earth, separated from us by the solar system catastrophe of 9,500 BC.”

In 2008, Basiago published a paper entitled The Discovery of Life on Mars that contains analysis and photographs of humanoid and animal species living on the surface of Mars, as well as many ancient Martian artifacts, that he found in NASA photograph PIA10214, which was taken by the US space agency’s Mars Rover Spirit in 2007. You can download this paper at

MARS’ report on the New Cydonia complex at Reull Vallis was released on July 20, 2009 to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the lunar landing by NASA’s Apollo 11.

In a related article on the huge, simian visage found in the Cydonia region of Mars known as The Face on Mars, the late Dr. Tom van Flandern, former chief astronomer of the U.S. Naval Observatory, concluded that the probability that The Face on Mars is an artificial structure exceeds “a thousand billion billion to one.”

Van Flandern wrote:

“In [the image of The Face on Mars], it is possible to see details in the image (once the right correspondence to the Viking image is recognized) that might have been intended to portray each secondary facial feature – eyebrow, pupil, nostrils, and lips. These are more plainly visible in higher-magnification views with brightness and contrast adjusted for each area because of the limited contrast in the image. Such views may be inspected at <> in the Cydonia section. Detailed study with image processing software shows that these secondary facial features exist where expected by the artificiality hypothesis, but nowhere else on the mesa. This rules out a background of many similar features from which we might pick out just ones that fulfill our expectations. Moreover, each feature is present at the expected location, having the expected size, shape, and orientation. The odds are against any of these features arising by chance, and against each feature having any of the four listed characteristics. Each of these probabilities has been carefully and conservatively estimated in a fuller treatment of this topic. The combined odds against all of these features being present and having all expected characteristics to the degree actually present, when taken together with the absence of similar features in the background, exceed a thousand billion billion to one.”

This article is part of a continuing series on the exopolitics of the discovery of life on Mars. Exopolitics is the science of relations among civilizations in the multiverse