Friday, September 3, 2010

9-2 Ben Fulford The trillion dollar crime trail leads to Davos and the United Nations

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis100902: The trillion dollar crime trail leads to Davos and the United Nations The operation to flush out the leadership of the dark cabal has now zeroed in on the World Economic Forum at Davos, according to agents involved. Italian P2 lodge member Daniel Dal Bosco, who has been under complete 24-hour surveillance since absconding with over $1 trillion in financial instruments, has led investigators to Giancarlo Bruno, “Head of the Financial Services Industry” at theWorld Economic Forum, investigators say. Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis

1 comment:

  1. Fulford talks like the Amero is a done deal..aka New World Order. Now we know his alliances. He was a Jesuit...loyal to the Pope, the Vatican NWO. He does not take into account Nesara,prosperity programs, or Galactic Federation, except the part where Basco is being followed be 30 spaceships. We all wonder about Nibiru coming, and what then? Casper mentions signing off...Cheney going underground?
