Tuesday, November 9, 2010

11-8 EMERGENCY RED ALERT !!! MISSILE launched off of CALIFORNIA COAST! & my comments

My response to Kosta's & James Gillilands ECETI email

Hi Kosta (James Gilliland I am sure already knows this and would agree),
I think he is right its a US sub launched ICBM but it wont go off with the GFL able to stop all nukes from going off anyway (watch this playlist of mine below)

so it is just an attempt like the guy said to scare Asia as we both know China and a lot of Asian countries are in G20 and BRIC against the NWO mate. Surprise, surprise G20 meeting coming 11-11 & 12,and I did hear Obama was over talking to India probably trying to stop the BRIC alliance as I shared in a blog below days ago. Nevertheless it is interesting to see the NWO's efforts and the GFL's success in stopping WW3. I am not disturbed at all and have so much faith and a strong sense of knowing I laugh. We really have nothing to worry about, just like I hear all the time in the GFL updates on http://www.youtube.com/user/Komurosan#p/u
and here is what I have listened to of the above in my playlist here http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=65BAAC5042D6B075 and if you are familiar with my KEY WHITE KNIGHTS NEWS YOUTUBE PLAYLISTS to watch, subscribe to &/or RSS
and follow my blog you may be able to join the dots as I have to what I think is really going on. I would even think the GFL let it be launched (then later while in flight deactivated the nuke) so that we could see what was attempted so that later we could be filled in with what happened and join the dots.

1 comment:

  1. I knew right away it was an attempted false flag operation and I'd been asking the progenitors and guardians to thwart their every move as of late....I didn't fall for their spell in 2001 and I'm much more conscious of their bs today...thank you Scott.
